- Action européenne COST-MIGRATE
- Projet européen H2020 ECSEL
- ANR CRISALHYD (Seconsary refrigeration application by CO2 hydrate slurry: from hydrate crystallization to their integration in cold storage and transportation processes – ENSTA, IRSTEA, LIMSI, Industriel Froid, Industriel Chimie)
- ANR HYDRE (Mechanical behaviour of gas-hydrate-bearing sediments – IFREMER, UPPA, laboratoire NAVIER)
- ANR MI2C (Multiscale Investigations of the impact of Mineral Impurities on gas trapping within Clathrate Hydrates – ISM, UTINAM, ICB, PHLAM)
- ANR PACS (Solutions Aqueuses d’électrolytes en conditions extrèmes : Phases Amorphes, Cristallines et Superioniques – IMPMC, IPC – Univ. Innsbruck
- ERC EXOWATER (G. Tobie, Univ. Nantes)
- ANR SECOHYA (Captage et stockage du CO2 – Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, PhLAM, UPPA),
- ANR HYDFECT (Clathrates hydrates with H-bond defects for hydrogen storage – ISM)
- ANR Carnot Franhofer TES-PCS (Thermal energy storages based on phase change slurries for cooling applications, PICF 2010-2013 – IRSTEA, UMSICHT)
- ADEME Dynamhydrates (Caractérisation thermo-hydraulique des coulis d’hydrates de gaz – IRSTEA, ENSTA)
- PICS MarSO2 (CO2-SO2 clathrate hydrate formation on early Mars and implications for climate evolution, avec Tsing-Hua university, Beijing 2013-2016)
Projets en cours
Projets antérieurs